Sunday 20 February 2011

Getting my craft on

Since my birthday in November I have been trying out new bits and pieces. When I initally contemplated asking my other half for a sewing machine, I braced myself for his reaction, I am, afterall only 26. I was pleasantly surprised to discover he wasnt opposed to the idea.

I have since found out that my crafty time is usually accompanied by the sounds of guns firing and men shouting, also known as Call of  Duty time, but hey if we're both happy where's the issue?

My first few makes were little padded hearts hanging on ribbon, I then moved onto making taggie blankets and soft toy bunnies. I had a very proud mmmy moment when my daughter took this from me and played nonstop for a while. Taggies, cushions and sock monkeys were next on the agenda.  My most proud make is a patchwork duvet, it's by no means perfect but it's a good starting point. Here's to many more makes !!

This crafting malarki is addictive !


  1. I love the patchwork blanket you've made! I would love to attempt this but not sure I have the patience! Agree with you that crafting is addictive though - I've been really getting into it recently - keeps me busy in the evenings, and having my little one to make things for is such good motivation x

  2. Its strangely theraputic ! One tip, cut them all first and pile them into the rows and set yourself away... its worth it I promise x


About Me

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I'm 26,I have a beautiful daughter born Christmas Eve 2009 with Dan. We've been together for 3 years. Moved from Luton, Bedfordshire to Newcastle 2006 and have since moved to Acomb, Northumberland.